PowerUp MCT Keto Coffee

PowerUp MCT Keto Coffee

Energy, mood and focus in a mug
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Need some help getting through these long lock-down days? Try adding MCTs to your Coffee!

It's no secret that I love my MCT Keto coffee. I start EVERY day with one because it extends my fast in the morning, keeps me focussed, satiated and energised, helps me power through my home-workout, tackle the inbox, and it keeps me stable through these extra-long lock-down days!

My PowerUp MCT Keto Coffee truly is the recipe to help you think clearly, feel great and perform your best everyday.

Recipe: Serves 1

  • Ingredients

    1 cup organic black coffee (decaf, or tea or turmeric latte if preferred) 
    1 teaspoon MCTs
    1/2 teaspoon grass-fed ghee, or butter, or tinned coconut cream

  • Method

    Prepare your black coffee (or decaf or tea) in your preferred method. Some options include take-away long black from your favourite cafe, home-made machine espresso or pod or french press method. 

    Combine your black organic coffee with the MCTs, grass-fed ghee, butter or coconut cream into a blender and blitz on medium speed for 30-45 seconds until well combined and frothy. 

    Pour into your favourite mug and enjoy the health boosting, energy enriched, brain health start to your day.

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